Creation of active methods of cryptography training using MS Excel


  • Anna S. Zufarova Pacific State University
  • Yulia S. Buzykova MIREA-Russian Technological University



active learning methods, simulation learning methods, non-simulation learning methods, exercises, cryptography, cipher, historical ciphers, Caesar cipher, information security, user functions, macros, MS Excel


At the present time, there are problems of improving the quality of domestic education, in this regard, it is necessary to improve not only information technology, technical support, but also educational technologies. Modern needs for highly professional specialists in the field of information security cannot be realized without restructuring the system of professional training. Because of this, it is necessary to introduce active teaching methods into the educational process. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the study of historical ciphers is an integral part in the study of cryptographic methods of information protection. Studying historical ciphers using MS Excel allows you to analyze large amounts of data and makes it easier to work with numeric and textual data. This product is designed for creating tables, various calculations, data visualization and charting, and much more, which makes it a useful tool for learning the basics of cryptography. In the study of historical ciphers, MS Excel allows researchers to analyze the frequency of letters, words and bigrams, perform various mathematical operations to decrypt texts, and create statistical models for analyzing ciphers. Also, using this application, you can use custom functions and macros to automate solutions to classic cryptography problems. This contributes to the quality of teaching students the basics of cryptography. Due to its popularity and ease of use, MS Excel can become a popular tool in the research of historical ciphers, data analysis and teaching the basics of cryptography. Its application is also of great relevance in modern cryptography research, for example, RSA, the Diffie-Hellman protocol.  


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How to Cite

Зуфарова АС, Бузыкова ЮС. Creation of active methods of cryptography training using MS Excel. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):149–160. Available from:

