Axiological space of professional training of a theologian


  • Ivan F. Paramonov Миссионерский институт



theological education, axiological space, confessional university, professional training of theologians, theology


In modern conditions of development of the national education system, the value space of professional development of a specialist is becoming increasingly important. The definition of specific aspects of the axiological space of the theologian's training will allow us to build an educational strategy for the successful formation of a professional. Theological education is a system of professional training of specialists in theology, teachers of theology at various levels of education. To date, the main professional educational programs (OPOP) in the field of Theology are implemented both in state and confessional educational institutions of higher education – confessional universities and theological seminaries. Theological education, expanding the boundaries of its presence in the academic environment, is trying to fit into the modern realities of pedagogical practice of organizing the educational process. The article describes the axiological space of theologian training in a confessional university – a non–governmental private institution - an educational organization of higher education "Missionary Institute" of the Yekaterinburg diocese, Yekaterinburg. It is noted that personal-social, axiological, activity-based, systemic, event-based approaches make it possible to construct an axiological matrix of professional formation of the theologian. Future theologians come to the institute in search of personal meanings, gain subject knowledge in theology, emotionally live certain events together with students of the group, teachers, priests and themselves become subjects of meaningful activity within a real axiologically assigned space.


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How to Cite

Парамонов ИФ. Axiological space of professional training of a theologian. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(3-1):11-8. Available from:

