Value assessments of the study of the psychological health


  • Natalia N. Shelshakova Petrozavodsk State University



Illness, health, , motives, interests, values


The article describes different approaches to the differentiation of the concepts of " disease "and"health". Health and illness are often defined in a comparative aspect to each other. The peculiarity of these phenomena is that they have a social dimension. Most often, health and illness are "measured" at the individual level. On the one hand, a person monitors his well-being, on the other hand, he is guided by a certain ideal of health. At the same time, his personal ideal of health may diverge from the social norm. Human health is the highest value, one of the main indicators of the civilization of modern society. Being a fundamental characteristic of human existence, it is constantly directly dependent on the changes that occur in social relations and therefore, at every stage of social evolution, it needs to rethink its essential manifestations. Therefore, the primary task of the Russian Federation as a socially-oriented state is to promote the development of the young generation, its lifecreation, and spiritual growth. The basis of its solution is an understanding of the meaning of life, existence in the surrounding world. This issue is becoming global in nature.


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How to Cite

Шельшакова НН. Value assessments of the study of the psychological health. УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):162-8. Available from: