Comparative analysis of the concepts of "dysontogenesis, developmental disorder, developmental disorder"


  • Natalia N. Shelshakova Petrozavodsk State University



dysontogenesis, developmental disorder, violation factors


The article analyzes the concepts of "dysontogenesis", "developmental disorder", "developmental disorder", describes the factors of disorders. The analysis of scientific sources describing these types of deviations in development is carried out. The emphasis is placed on the need to understand the individual norms of child development. The results of the interdisciplinary work of specialists are described. In the scientific literature, there is no clear distinction in the definition of the concepts of digontogenesis, developmental disorder, developmental disorder, these concepts complement each other and are closely intertwined when describing various disorders, but these terms have significant differences and are not synonyms. We often hear the popular phrase among scientists: "currently, the number of children with various developmental disabilities is growing." However, it is difficult to define the concept of "developmental deviation", since the term "development implies the establishment of qualitative and quantitative changes in the psyche in an unspecified period of time".


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How to Cite

Шельшакова НН. Comparative analysis of the concepts of "dysontogenesis, developmental disorder, developmental disorder". УО [Internet]. 2021Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):19-24. Available from: