Problems and prospects of development of patriotic education in the context of globalization


  • Islam M. Ogly Dzholiev Ural State Agrarian University
  • Eduard Y. Bashmakov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Niaz M. Karimov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir A. Obnosov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Alexey S. Mishin Ural State Agrarian University



patriotic education, globalization, citizenship, national identity, educational innovations, global citizenship


In the context of globalization and rapid transformations of the world order, the problems of patriotic education are becoming particularly relevant. The present study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the current state, key problems and prospects for the development of patriotic education in the context of globalization processes. The methodological basis of the work was a systematic approach, comparative analysis, sociological surveys and statistical methods. The study revealed that in 78% of the world's countries patriotic education is included in state educational standards, but its effectiveness varies depending on the region: from 62% in European countries to 91% in Asian countries. It was found that the key problems are: insufficient adaptation of patriotic education to the challenges of globalization (noted in 69% of studies), the gap between theory and practice (75%), low level of youth involvement (64%). The analysis of promising areas of development has shown that the greatest potential is the integration of patriotic education with global education (projected increase in efficiency by 27%), widespread introduction of interactive and project-based methods (up to 32%), strengthening the role of civil society institutions (up to 19%). The results obtained can be used to modernize patriotic education systems and develop strategies for its development both at the national and global levels.


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How to Cite

Джолиев ИМО, Башмаков ЭЮ, Каримов НМ, Обносов ВА, Мишин АС. Problems and prospects of development of patriotic education in the context of globalization. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):143-52. Available from:




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