Integrating the Spirit of the Great Party Building into higher education: the path of political and ideological education in China


  • Sun Yue Heihe University
  • Liu Zihan Heihe University
  • Fan Wei Heihe University



the spirit of the great party building, political and ideological education, path


In the era of globalization and intensification of technological changes, higher education in China is undergoing dramatic transformations, and faces the need to adapt to the vectors of political and ideological orientation. In this context, the “Spirit of the Great Party Building” acts not just as an ideological postulate, but also as a multidimensional matrix, subject to empirical analysis and integration into pedagogical practices. In this article, we seek to consider how conceptual frameworks derived from this matrix can be systematically incorporated into pedagogical methodologies with the aim of ensuring coherent student development in various aspects - from moral and aesthetic to intellectual and sociopolitical. More specifically, this research paper analyzes a case study of three universities (Peking University, Shanghai University and Tsinghua University.) using metrics such as the level of political awareness, intellectual development and social activity. The goal is to determine the correlations between the implementation of the ideological matrix “Spirit of the Great Party Building” and the specified metrics. Empirical data are collected using cross-sectional research methodology and analyzed through statistical models including multiple regression and analysis of covariance. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are formulated at the level of strategic management of educational institutions, with an emphasis on the need for closer integration of ideological principles into the educational process to support social justice, critical thinking and sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Юэ С, Цзыхань Л, Вэй Ф. Integrating the Spirit of the Great Party Building into higher education: the path of political and ideological education in China. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(11-1):241-9. Available from:

