Optimization of the child's development in the prenatal period of ontogenesis using the musical method "Sonatal"


  • Mikhail L. Lazarev Moscow Pedagogical State University




method , sonatal pedagogy, sonatal test, pregnant woman, fetus, prenatal pedagogy, psychoemotional maturation of the fetus, prenatal prevention, the concept of pedagogical harmoniology


The article presents research materials on the use of the "Sonatal" method (from Latin sonus — sound, natal — born, music of birth), aimed at optimizing the processes of morpho-functional and, in particular, psychoemotional maturation of the fetus, stimulation of its motor activity, prevention of prenatal hypoxia, as well as teaching a pregnant woman communication skills with the child even before his birth, to optimize her health, improve her well-being and prepare for childbirth. The use of the method contributes to the regulation of the mechanisms of vegetative homeostasis in the body of a pregnant woman. The main influence factor in the application of the method is the voice (singing) of a pregnant woman, which is accompanied by specially developed tactile and motor exercises and acts as an instrument of emotional and respiratory training of the mother and fetus. Under the influence of vocal-speech, respiratory and motor exercises of the mother, the fetus develops emotional reactions adequate to perceived stimuli, primary reflex connections are formed between the sounds of music, speech sounds, emotions, breathing and movement. At the same time, the cardiovascular system of the fetus adapts to respiratory and motor loads, biorhythms of prenatal and postpartum life are formed. The method is recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Лазарев МЛ. Optimization of the child’s development in the prenatal period of ontogenesis using the musical method "Sonatal". УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(10-1):147-53. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1087

