Transformation of pedagogical activity of teachers of higher educational institutions in the era of digitalization of the educational sphere


  • Alexander I. Gurnikovsky Southern Federal University
  • Renata Yu. Gurnikovskaya Southern Federal University
  • Maria Yu. Osipova Pyotr Kapitsa Moscow School
  • Victoria S. Lyashenko MIREA — Russian Technological University
  • Natalia N. Shadrina Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Igor M. Tararin State University of Management



digitalization of education, pedagogical activity of teachers of higher educational institutions


This article examines the topic of global changes in the teaching activities of teachers of higher educational institutions in the context of the rapid digitalization of education. The authors examined the transformation of the teaching activities of higher education teachers in the context of digitalization on a global scale, as well as the consequences of these changes in higher education. The article presents the results of a study on the attitude of university teachers to the ongoing changes in education and the key challenges they face in the process of digitalization. The main problems faced by university teachers in the context of digitalization of education are studied. To solve problems, the article proposes several main directions for overcoming them. The issues of developing educational programs and curricula, including productive independent work in the educational process and effective communication with students in the digital environment are considered. The article may be of interest to managers and teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as a wide audience of education professionals at all levels in the coming era of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. University teachers are faced with the task of transforming their mental models of professional activity, which are deeply influenced by their value orientations, relationships in the educational environment, expectations from professional activities, social attitudes and real actions that they take within the framework of their professional duties and, most importantly, – attitude to these changes.


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How to Cite

Гурниковский АИ, Гурниковская РЮ, Осипова МЮ, Ляшенко ВС, Шадрина НН, Тарарин ИМ. Transformation of pedagogical activity of teachers of higher educational institutions in the era of digitalization of the educational sphere. УО [Internet]. 2023Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(10-1):63-74. Available from:

