Project-based learning using digital technologies as a tool to increase motivation and practical orientation while teaching linguist-translators at the undergraduate level


  • Victoria V. Levchenko Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Irina V. Lokhtina Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Inna I. Penkovskaya Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Daria A. Shalnova Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"



foreign language, linguists-translators, bachelors, project-based learning, digital technologies, motivation, practice-oriented training, 4C-competencies


Currently, a large number of changes are taking place in education due to various reasons: changing employers' requests, the introduction of active and interactive methods of teaching students, comprehensive digitalization of the educational process, etc. All this is reflected in the new approaches implemented by higher educational institutions when planning the educational process in various disciplines. Within the framework of this study, the organization of project activities with the use of digital technologies in the training of bachelor students in the field of training 45.03.02 Linguistics, profile "Theory and practice of translation" in the framework of the study of specialized disciplines is considered. Project activity is considered as a powerful tool to increase the motivation of students due to its practice-oriented nature and maximum approximation to solving the real tasks of professional activity. The authors consider modern requirements for employees, future graduates, in the context of the formation of 4K competencies: communication, creativity, critical thinking, teamwork. The authors of the study suggest that all these competencies can be successfully formed as part of the implementation of project activities. Moreover, all 4K competencies are somehow provided for implementation in the educational process by the federal state educational standards of the third generation. In the context of global digitalization, it is impossible not to use the available digital resources when implementing project activities. The integration of project work and digital resources allows you to create practice-oriented projects that are as close as possible to the real professional tasks of the translator, not only forming the necessary skills and abilities, but also increasing motivation and contributing to the better development of the disciplines of the professional cycle of undergraduate students preparing to become translators.


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How to Cite

Levchenko VV, Lokhtina IV, Penkovskaya II, Shalnova DA. Project-based learning using digital technologies as a tool to increase motivation and practical orientation while teaching linguist-translators at the undergraduate level. УО [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];13(8):75-84. Available from: