Civil activity of a teenager as a pedagogical phenomenon


  • Anastasia P. Zemlyanskaya Orenburg State Pedagogical University



Civic activism, social development, teenagers, active attitude.


At the present stage of human development, under the influence of the development of information and communication technologies, the globalization of social processes, "activity" as a scientific concept has undergone significant semantic changes in the sense that human activity began to be carried out not only in the usual real life, but also in the virtual world, where social relations have other characteristic features and differently affect the development of the individual. In addition, the global crisis has put the issue of civic engagement on the agenda, since the development of social innovations in the context of the crisis is one of the most optimal forms of social innovation development, which will create the dynamics of political processes and lead to the formation of new conditions for social development. The polarity of views on the utilitarianism of the existence of social ties and their impact on the positive development of the individual expands the scientific paradigm of the phenomenon under study, providing researchers with the opportunity to analyze the situation from different points of view to understand the current trends in the organization of various processes that affect the formation of the individual and his civic activity. In this aspect, it should be noted that the scientific understanding of civic activity requires an interdisciplinary understanding, especially from the standpoint of philosophy, sociology and psychology, which will help us to fully analyze this category within the framework of pedagogical science

Author Biography

Anastasia P. Zemlyanskaya, Orenburg State Pedagogical University

postgraduate student of the Institute of Childhood


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How to Cite

Землянская А. Civil activity of a teenager as a pedagogical phenomenon. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):238-45. Available from: