Development of oral speech skills in english classes for non-linguistic specialties based on an auditive text


  • Luiza U. Israilova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Aset Sh. Davletukaeva Kadyrov Chechen State University



communicative-oriented learning, development of oral speech skills, communicative competence, functional type, principles of teaching foreign language speech


The article discusses some approaches to the formation of oral speech skills based on an auditory text. Examples of tasks for teaching students foreign language speech, taking into account the functional type of dialogue and monologue, are given. This annotation discusses the problem of developing oral speech skills in English classes for students of non-linguistic specialties based on an auditory text. The emphasis is on the importance of mastering and using oral speech in the professional sphere. The article analyzes various methods and approaches aimed at effective teaching of oral speech, such as listening to audio materials, listening with subsequent repetition and self-examination, group discussions and role-playing games. The possibilities of using modern technologies, such as audio recordings, video materials and online resources, to enrich the learning process are also being considered. As a result of the conducted research, recommendations are proposed for the effective development of oral speech skills of students of non-linguistic specialties based on an auditory text.


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How to Cite

Исраилова ЛЮ, Давлетукаева АШ. Development of oral speech skills in english classes for non-linguistic specialties based on an auditive text. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):227-32. Available from: