Pedagogical technology for identifying the characteristics of the emotional sphere of a psychologist with emotional burnout syndrome


  • Elena V. Simakova Synergy University
  • Svetlana A. Dmitrieva Institute of Special Education; Psychology Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Natalia G. Maksimova Kaluga College of Electronic Devices



burnout syndrome, emotional sphere, level of subjective well-being, personal anxiety, reactive anxiety


The article presents information on the study of the emotional sphere of psychologists with emotional burnout syndrome. It is established that psychologists who took part in the study have their own emotional sphere. A high level of subjective well-being is recorded in 24.3% of cases, the average level of subjective wellbeing is recorded in 44.3%, 31.4% have a low level of subjective well-being. It was also found that 67.5% of people have an increased level of personal anxiety, the level of reactive anxiety in 79% of the surveyed does not exceed the average. As a result of the study, the assumption of significant changes in the emotional sphere in the syndrome of emotional burnout was confirmed. This article is devoted to the development of pedagogical technology to identify the characteristics of the emotional sphere of psychologists with emotional burnout syndrome. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of literary sources, as well as the experience of working with practicing psychologists. As a result, a methodology was developed that includes testing and analysis of the results, as well as recommendations for the correction and prevention of burnout syndrome. This technology can be useful for practicing psychologists and teachers in professional development and support of their emotional stability.


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How to Cite

Семакова ЕВ, Дмитриева СА, Максимова НГ. Pedagogical technology for identifying the characteristics of the emotional sphere of a psychologist with emotional burnout syndrome. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):104-9. Available from: