Analysis of the history and development of traditional musical instruments and their role in Russian culture


  • Natalya M. Semenyuk Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Olga I. Badulina Moscow City Pedagogical University



traditional musical instruments, history, development, Russia, culture


Music has always been inextricably linked with the culture and art of different peoples, and Russia is no exception. There are many traditional musical instruments in Russia that are important for the preservation and continuation of national traditions. In this article we will analyze the history and development of traditional musical instruments in Russia and their role in culture. We will look at the techniques of playing traditional instruments, as well as training and development in this industry. The purpose of our research is to analyze the history and development of traditional musical instruments in Russia, to identify their role in culture and society, as well as to describe the current state of learning and playing traditional instruments. As part of the research, we will use methods of analyzing literary sources, as well as interviews with professional musicians and music teachers in educational institutions. The main value of this article is that it will allow readers to more deeply understand and appreciate the importance of traditional musical instruments in the culture and society of Russia, as well as get information about the possibilities of learning and playing these instruments.


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How to Cite

Семенюк НМ, Бадулина ОИ. Analysis of the history and development of traditional musical instruments and their role in Russian culture. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(2):163-71. Available from: