Improving the methodology of teaching a foreign language in the structure of sustainable development of society


  • Karina N. Morugova Bashkir State Medical University
  • Daria A. Alexandrova Bashkir State Medical University
  • Alsu A. Minnigaleeva Bashkir State Medical University
  • Elina N. Khammatova Bashkir State Medical University



social development, sustainability, structure, methodology, teaching


Multilingualism as a modern socio-cultural phenomenon actualizes the importance of the processes of analysis, improvement of pedagogical technologies, approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages to students in domestic educational institutions. If we explore the essence of current concepts of learning, then it is worth remembering that this is a category that requires an analysis of its content and components in dynamics, using an evolutionary approach; changing the forms of organization of the educational process and its essence occurring in harmony with the development of the state and society, transformations in each of the spheres of life, a permanent increase in the requirements for the competence of modern specialists, the source of which is the dynamic development of the global labor market, as well as the actualization of digitalization. Accordingly, modern methods of teaching a foreign language at a university need constant research, since they represent an important stage in the training strategy for knowledge seekers, the individual elements of which are communication support between a student and a teacher, as well as between a group of students, the development of basic professional competencies, the formation of language skills. The reason for this is a social need, which entails a change in the requirements for modern specialists. Competitive is the employee who can work without barriers in a multifaceted, multilingual and multinational society.


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How to Cite

Моругова КН, Александрова ДА, Миннигалеева АА, Хамматова ЭН. Improving the methodology of teaching a foreign language in the structure of sustainable development of society. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):154-61. Available from:

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