Improving the functions of balance and vestibular stability in SAMBO fighters


  • Galsan H. Badmatsyrenov Municipal autonomous institution "Sports School No. 17"



sambo, training process, vestibular stability, pedagogical experiment


This paper describes the stages of the study of improving the functions of balance and vestibular stability. A method of increasing the vestibular stability of SAMBO fighters based on the conducted research is proposed. The results of measurements of the general, physical and technical training of SAMBO fighters using the technique of increasing vestibular stability are presented. According to the results of the study, it can be seen that the indicators ("leaning forward", "shuttle running", "static equilibrium", "dynamic equilibrium") of all the studied groups changed after a year of training. However, the indicators of the fighters of the experimental group increased significantly more noticeably. During the year of training, we did not make additional measurements, for a clearer picture of the study, we measured the indicators twice – at the beginning of the training cycle and at the end, after a year. Thus, the introduction of exercises for the development of vestibular stability and balance into the training process of SAMBO fighters significantly improves athletic performance. At the same time, when introducing appropriate exercises, it is necessary to leave the regulatory framework, not to burden the training process and take into account the age and psychological characteristics of the development of novice athletes. An integrated approach to the training process, focused on the comprehensive development of sports competencies of an athlete, based on theoretical and empirical research is the most successful and justified.


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How to Cite

Бадмацыренов ГХ. Improving the functions of balance and vestibular stability in SAMBO fighters. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):148-53. Available from: