The role of auxiliary means of presenting new material in the process of forming grammatical competence in English lessons


  • Aset Sh. Davletukaeva Chechen State University Pedagogical University
  • Larisa Yu. Israilova Kadyrov Chechen State University



presentation, grammatical competence, teaching aids


This article is devoted to auxiliary means of presenting new material and their role in the process of forming grammatical competence in English lessons. The authors note that the successful presentation of grammatical material is one of the key steps in the process of successful formation of grammatical competence. In the process of forming grammatical competence, a special role is played by the way in which a new grammatical phenomenon is presented by the teacher. Without tables, diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, the use of SMART Board interactive whiteboards, the formation of grammatical competence will not be so rich, interesting and effective. So, in recent years, programs that are an appendix to a traditional, printed textbook have become more and more popular. Common are simulators for the formation of grammatical concepts, for example, "Duolingo" and "Duolingo for Schools" - simulators developed on the basis of a simple and universal platform for the systematic work on the formation of speech skills of children and adults. They can be successfully applied during and after the presentation of a new grammatical phenomenon. The possibilities of modern occupation and the education system as a whole are significantly expanding due to the use of multimedia, interactive technologies, the Internet.


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How to Cite

Давлетукаева АШ, Исраилова ЛЮ. The role of auxiliary means of presenting new material in the process of forming grammatical competence in English lessons. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):82-5. Available from:

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