Features of motivation for sports activity of sambo students of the first year of training


  • Galsan H. Badmatsyrenov Municipal autonomous institution "Sports School No. 17"




sambo, the stage of initial training, motivation, achieving success in sports


The paper presents a study of the motivation for sports activities of sambo students in the first year of training. The relevance of motivation research is considered, which is due to the need to include a component of psychological preparation of novice athletes in the training process plan, the work of forming a firm internal motivation for classes. The study involved 30 novice sambo athletes of the first year of training, a total of 30 people, of which 15 people were girls, 15 people were boys. The following methods were selected as methods used for the versatile study of motivation for sports: Assessment of motivation for success and fear of failure (A.A. Rean); Motives for sports (A.V. Shaboltas modified by E. P. Ilyin); Study of interest in sports (E.G. Babushkin). Among the wide variety of education systems that contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities of a person, such a type of martial arts as sambo is traditionally distinguished. Sambo actively contributes to the formation of resilience, endurance, self-discipline and inner moral support of a person. In this regard, there is a great interest in the introduction of this system of education everywhere, and not only in specialized schools. The study of the motivation for sports activities of sambo students in the first year of training helped to form an overall picture of the motivational sphere of novice sambo athletes, with certain nuances characteristic of boys and girls.


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How to Cite

Бадмацыренов ГХ. Features of motivation for sports activity of sambo students of the first year of training. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(10):209-15. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/650