The relationship between the features of the socio-psychological adaptation of sambo students and the success of mastering the training program


  • Galsan H. Badmatsyrenov Municipal autonomous institution "Sports School No. 17"



sambo, training process, socio-psychological adaptation, general physical training, special physical training


In this work, the study of the relationship between the features of the socio-psychological adaptation of sambo wrestlers of the first year of training and the success of their development of the sports program is carried out. The study involved 30 sambo students at the end of the cycle of the first year of training. A study of the features of socio-psychological adaptation was conducted using the methodology of socio-psychological adaptation of the SPA (Rogers-Diamond). As an assessment of the success of mastering the training program, a special evaluation sheet was created that allows evaluating general and special physical training. After all the measurements, a correlation analysis of the results of the socio-psychological adaptation methodology and the evaluation sheet was carried out. The results of the study allow us to conclude that the success of mastering the training program, especially private exercises, is interrelated with a high level of adaptability of athletes. Social adaptation is a process during which a child, with minimal conflict with others, reaches a state of social wellbeing and balance. Socio-psychological adaptation includes a number of features such as: taking responsibility for yourself and at the same time emotional comfort, which is accompanied by the success of mastering the training program. Thus, the author explores the introduction into the training process of certain psychological amendments concerning the development of socio-psychological adaptation of young athletes.


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How to Cite

Бадмацыренов ГХ. The relationship between the features of the socio-psychological adaptation of sambo students and the success of mastering the training program. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.25 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(10):91-7. Available from: