Semantic explication of the phenomenon of "continuing education": the essence, purpose, functions, stages, manifestation at the levels of principle and process


  • Semyon I. Dvoeglazov Russian State Geological Exploration University
  • Yuri V. Zabaykin Russian Biotechnological University



сontinuing education, process, levels of principle, research


In the 70s of the twentieth century, continuing education in the rank of a progressive idea acquired legislative certainty in a number of UNESCO documents and in the US law (Lifelong Learning Act; 1976) as lifelong learning. Throughout the 70-90s of the twentieth century, continuing education was practically implemented on the basis of the principles of the concept of T. Husen (Husen T. The Learning Society. L.; Methuen, 1974) "The society that learns" (learning society). Highlighting the dominant emphasis in the disclosure of the essence of continuing education as a complex phenomenon provides for an emphasis on the consideration of continuing education both as a principle and as a process. We detail the specified. In particular, continuing education, acting as the most important socio pedagogical principle, "reflects the current trend of building education as an integral system that is aimed at personal development and is a condition for social progress. In fact, we are talking about a new look at education, a new approach to understanding the importance of  education in modern life." The consideration of continuing education as a process requires the definition of a number of principles, in compliance with which continuous education is built.


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How to Cite

Двоеглазов СИ, Забайкин ЮВ. Semantic explication of the phenomenon of "continuing education": the essence, purpose, functions, stages, manifestation at the levels of principle and process. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.29];12(9):173-8. Available from:

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