Management of educational business processes in the conditions of economic crisis


  • Zina A. Arsahanova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Linda K. Abdulkadyrova Kadyrov Chechen State University



management, educational process, research, higher education institutions


The problem of ensuring the development of private higher education institutions has always been relevant, especially in conditions of a massive shortage of students in specialized specialties and limited financial resources. It is worth noting that outdated post-Soviet approaches to the management of educational institutions have proved ineffective in the conditions of market competition, challenges of European integration of the Russian educational system. The labor market requires specialists with a high level of professional training, capable of solving complex tasks and being mobile. Improving the quality of the educational process, bringing it to the requirements of employers is a difficult debatable task, the solution of which requires a systematic approach to pedagogical management from private higher educational institutions. To solve this problem, the technology of educational business process management, which is flexible and able to withstand economic threats, deserves attention. In modern conditions of reforming the educational industry, there is a need to ensure the profitability of private educational institutions and at the same time maintain an appropriate level of quality of providing educational services to students. To create such conditions, educational institutions are implementing a pedagogical management system that solves issues related to the management of business processes of an educational organization, with the least labor, time and resources. In a market-based management system, business process management is of urgent importance to ensure the profitability of private higher education institutions.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА, Абдулкадырова ЛК. Management of educational business processes in the conditions of economic crisis. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):54-62. Available from:

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