Formation of prerequisites for the integrated development of the ecological imperative in education


  • Marina S. Segal Far Eastern Federal University
  • Anastasia V. Kuts Far Eastern Federal University
  • Vadim S. Firsov Far Eastern Federal University



ecology, education, opportunity, structure, development


The introduction of a competence-based approach into the higher school system in the Russian Federation is now an urgent problem of domestic education and requires the close attention of the pedagogical community. A number of regulatory documents have established a list of key (vital) competencies that a future specialist should possess who is able to professionally perform the tasks set in the conditions of the development of a post industrial society. Unfortunately, environmental competence was not included in this list, however, with the growing ecological crisis in our country and the whole world, the training of ecologically educated, competent specialists in the field of conservation and environmental protection is relevant and in demand. Despite the environmental challenges of our time, the study of the essence and structure of environmental competence of future teachers as a component of their professional training is becoming a priority area of modern higher education. To understand the essence of the structural components of an individual's environmental competence, it is important to highlight its functions.


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How to Cite

Сегал МС, Куц АВ, Фирсов ВС. Formation of prerequisites for the integrated development of the ecological imperative in education. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):44-50. Available from: