Problematic issues of the introduction of high-quality continuous professional development of doctors


  • Gaina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University named after A-X.Kadyrova



continuing education, doctor, medicine, management


Our success in the fight against the pandemic and current and future epidemics of infectious and noncommunicable diseases depends on which doctors will be trained by the higher medical school. According to the definition of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME), continuous professional development of doctors (hereinafter referred to as NPR) is a period of education and training of doctors, beginning after completion of basic medical education and postgraduate training and continuing thereafter throughout the professional life of each doctor. Continuous professional development means the continuous development of medical and non-medical competencies, including professionalism, interpersonal, managerial and communication skills. Currently, the main regulatory documents that define the foundations of continuous professional development of doctors are the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2022 No. 140 "On the Unified State Information system in the field of healthcare".


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ГА. Problematic issues of the introduction of high-quality continuous professional development of doctors. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(5):10-7. Available from:

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