Digital career guidance as a necessary reality


  • Elena M. Burnaeva Pacific State University
  • Svetlana N. Salomatova Pacific State University



career guidance, education, self-development, information technologies, network interaction


Today, Russian society is significantly influenced by information technologies, which have become an integral part of everyday life and have led to the emergence of fundamentally new ways of learning, communication and professional activity. We consider the concept of "digital technologies" to be an integral part of the concept of "information technologies", since information technologies are characterized by the operation of information not only in digital form, we refer to information technologies, first of all, methods of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting and presenting information, and only then the means (hardware or software) through which this can be done. Most teachers do not have the skills to use digital technologies to organize, support, professionally oriented counseling as part of their career guidance activities and use traditional forms, methods and means at the same time: face-to-face meetings with representatives of professions, excursions to the university for an Open Day, face-to-face communication at thematic extracurricular events and the like. And despite the fact that today there is widespread use of Internet resources, nevertheless, the involvement of such resources in the career guidance activities of teachers is insufficient.


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How to Cite

Burnaeva EM, Salomatova SN. Digital career guidance as a necessary reality. УО [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];12(1):34-4. Available from: