Improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages at the university based on the integration of traditional and innovative approaches


  • Alina A. Sulimova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Polina Yu. Hristova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Valeria A. Deeva Far Eastern Federal University
  • Maria E. Svezhentseva Far Eastern Federal University
  • Alice A. Vereshchagina Far Eastern Federal University


teaching foreign languages, higher education, communicative approach, personality-oriented learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, integration of approaches


The relevance of the topic is due to the need to find effective ways of teaching foreign languages in higher education in the context of globalization and internationalization of higher education. The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive teaching methodology that integrates traditional and innovative approaches to improve the effectiveness of students' language training. Tasks: 1) analyze existing methods of teaching foreign languages; 2) identify their strengths and weaknesses; 3) justify the feasibility of integrating traditional and innovative approaches; 4) to develop and test the author's methodology. The research was based on the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization of pedagogical experience, modeling of the educational process, pedagogical experiment, testing, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. An innovative methodology for teaching foreign languages has been developed, based on an organic combination of communicative and personality-oriented approaches, problem-based and project-based learning. Its effectiveness has been experimentally proven: in the experimental groups, the indicators of language proficiency, academic motivation and student satisfaction have significantly increased. The proposed methodology opens up new opportunities to improve the quality of language training at the university by creating an authentic communicative environment and involving students in active cognitive activity. Further research may be aimed at adapting it to the specifics of specific areas of training.


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How to Cite

Sulimova AA, Hristova PY, Deeva VA, Svezhentseva ME, Vereshchagina AA. Improving the methodology of teaching foreign languages at the university based on the integration of traditional and innovative approaches. УО [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];14(7-1):89-98. Available from:




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