Pragmalinguistic analysis of discursive practices in the educational space of the university
pragmalinguistics, academic discourse, speech acts, interactivity, status-role asymmetry, politeness, communicative risks.Abstract
The article is devoted to the pragmalinguistic analysis of discursive practices in the educational space of a modern university. The relevance of the research is due to the need for a comprehensive study of communicative processes in the academic environment, taking into account their pragmatic specificity and socio-cultural context. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the key pragmalinguistic characteristics of discursive practices in higher education. The tasks include the systematization of theoretical approaches to the analysis of academic discourse, the development of a methodology for pragmalinguistic research, and the collection and analysis of empirical data. The work uses a set of methods of pragmalinguistics, discourse analysis, and corpus linguistics. The material was recordings of lectures, seminars, consultations, exams in humanitarian universities (with a total volume of about 50 hours). Discursive transcription of audio recordings has been carried out taking into account prosodic characteristics. Based on the pragmasemantic markup of texts, a specialized corpus of academic discourse has been formed. It is established that academic discourse is characterized by a high degree of interactivity and is focused on the joint construction of knowledge. The specificity of speech acts, hedging, and means of dialogization in the speech of teachers and students is revealed. The pragmalinguistic markers of status-role asymmetry of communicants are described. Politeness strategies and mechanisms for mitigating communication risks in potentially conflict situations are analyzed. The results of the research contribute to the theory of discourse, pragmalinguistics, and communicative didactics. The obtained data can be used in teaching practice to improve the communicative competence of participants in the educational process. The prospects of the research are related to a more detailed study of the pragmatics of academic discourse in various pedagogical and socio-cultural contexts.
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