The role of text in the development of students' speech skills in Russian language classes in remote mode
text, speech skills, Russian as a foreign language, online learning, linguodidactics, speech competence, teaching methods.Abstract
The development of students' speech skills in an online format is an urgent problem of linguodidactics. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of text in the formation of speech competence of students in Russian language classes in remote mode. Tasks: 1) to characterize the linguistic and didactic potential of the text; 2) to identify the features of working with text online; 3) to propose methodological solutions for optimizing text-oriented learning. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and empirical methods (pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing) were used. The source base was scientific publications, educational and methodological materials, data from a survey of teachers and 60 students. Statistical methods were used to process the results. It has been established that text is a key means of developing online speech skills. The criteria for the selection of texts and ways of working with them in a remote format are defined. A system of exercises aimed at improving students' speech competence has been developed. The effectiveness of the proposed technique has been experimentally proven. The research contributes to the theory and practice of teaching Russian online. The results obtained can be used to modernize language courses at the university. It seems promising to study the role of text in the development of speech skills at different levels of language proficiency
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