Comparative analysis of educational results of students of rural and urban schools on the example of the Tomsk region


  • Anna V. Pivovarova Tomsk State Pedagogical University
  • Elena E. Sartakova Tomsk State Pedagogical University



participants of relations in the field of education, rural school, rural territories, educational results of schoolchildren, comparative analysis


In Russia at the beginning of the XXI century . the development of a general education system that meets the needs of the emerging information society in rural areas was carried out in the process of implementing various concepts and programs (restructuring, introduction of specialized training, a comprehensive education modernization project, modernization of regional educational systems, introduction of Federal State Educational Standards of General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard), etc.), which led to the development of innovative processes not only in the field of educational content, ways of its implementation, but also the organization of the processes of education and upbringing. Thus, the implementation of the National Project "Education" involves solving the tasks of creating a general education system that is among the top 10 in the world. In this article, a comparative analysis of the educational results of students of rural and urban schools is carried out. The educational achievements of rural school students differ from those shown by urban students, and are due to various factors. In the conditions of rural areas, the interaction of the main participants in relations in the field of education among themselves becomes especially significant: the pedagogical and administrative staff of the school, students, their parents, educational authorities at the municipal and regional levels.


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How to Cite

Пивоварова АВ, Сартакова ЕЕ. Comparative analysis of educational results of students of rural and urban schools on the example of the Tomsk region. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(5):86-92. Available from: