Formation of entrepreneurial competencies of students in the conditions of an educational organization


  • Ruslan O. Voloshin Moscow University of Finance and Law MFUA



entrepreneurship, competence, entrepreneurial competencies, pedagogy, school education, youth entrepreneurship


The development of entrepreneurial competencies among young students in schools is a key factor in the future economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of the country. The importance of developing these competencies even at school age is due to their universality and wide applicability not only in business, but also in any other professional activity, as well as in everyday situations. The article gives the author's definition of the concept of «entrepreneurial competencies of students», the purpose of the study is to identify and classify teaching methods applicable in schools for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies among young people. The article analyzes the technologies of sign-contextual learning that contribute to the development of professional and social skills among schoolchildren. The importance of interaction between educational institutions and the business environment for students to gain practical knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship is also emphasized. Two clusters of widely used methods for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies by age categories of students have been formed, paying attention to young students aged 12 to 18 years (middle and high school), as well as three clusters of approaches and methods for the formation of entrepreneurial competencies can be based on the skills developed by students: managing their resources, actions, opportunities. This approach allows us to identify the most effective strategies for developing entrepreneurial skills among students, contributing to their successful inclusion in the country's economy through the implementation of youth startup projects and self-employment.


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How to Cite

Voloshin RO. Formation of entrepreneurial competencies of students in the conditions of an educational organization. УО [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];14(3-2):159–165. Available from:

