The use of profiling methods in operational investigative activities


  • Alsu A. Zuikova Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs



profiling methods, ORD, the activities of an operational officer of the Department of Internal Affairs, the method of observation in the ORD, verification, lie detection, compilation of a psychoprofile


This article highlights the main trends in the use of profiling methods in the activities of employees of operational departments of Internal Affairs bodies. Profiling is a system for preventing illegal actions by profiling potentially dangerous individuals based on operational and non–verbal diagnostics. The primary method of operational investigative activity is considered as surveillance. The main significance of the method lies in the fact that the usual activity of the object of observation remains. At the same time, in order to obtain impartial results, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions: first establish what regularity, repeatability, regularity we are interested in, and draw up a correct observation program. The method of observation implies the method of compiling a psychological profile of any person of interest or an unknown criminal based on the consequences of the act. In addition, the article discusses an equally interesting method as verification. Having specific knowledge of verification, the operative uses and analyzes the information received more effectively. Achieving the goals of the ORD, which cannot be achieved without the use of various profiling methods, without the functioning of scientific and psychological support and qualified specialists, is difficult. Therefore, when implementing the ORDO, it is important to pay attention to every aspect of the scientific field of activity, which will contribute to increasing preventable, detectable and solved crimes.


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How to Cite

Зуйкова АА. The use of profiling methods in operational investigative activities. УО [Internet]. 2024Jul.5 [cited 2024Jul.18];14(3-1):203–207. Available from:

