Stages of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university


  • Oleg I. Bashеrov Moscow International University; A.N. Kosygin Russian State University
  • Polina I. Yakushkina Russian University of Transport
  • Olga V. Baryshnikova Moscow State Technological University "Stankin"
  • Tatyana A. Pavlishak Russian State University for the Humanities



pedagogical support, adaptation, foreign students, socio-cultural environment, higher education, stages of adaptation


This article discusses the key stages of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of a higher educational institution. The relevance of the research is due to the increasing number of foreign students in Russian universities and the need to create an effective system of their support. The purpose of the work is to systematize and analyze the main stages of pedagogical support that contribute to the successful adaptation of foreign students. Research materials and methods include the study and generalization of scientific literature on the problem of adaptation of foreign students, as well as the analysis of practical experience of pedagogical support in Russian universities. Methods such as system analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization were used in the work. The results of the study allowed us to identify and characterize five main stages of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students: 1) preadaptation stage, which includes measures to prepare students for studying in a new socio-cultural environment; 2) the stage of primary adaptation aimed at overcoming the language barrier and familiarization with the culture of the country; 3) the stage of socio-psychological adaptation, involving the formation of interpersonal relations and integration into the student community; 4) the stage of academic adaptation associated with adaptation to the new educational system and the requirements of the university; 5) the stage of cultural adaptation, focused on familiarization with the values and traditions of the host country. Each stage is characterized by specific tasks, methods and forms of pedagogical support, which are discussed in detail in the article.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Якушкина ПИ, Барышникова ОВ, Павлишак ТА. Stages of pedagogical support for the adaptation of foreign students to the socio-cultural environment of the university. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):97–104. Available from:

