Innovative educational practices in the digital educational environment of a university in the Russian Federation


  • Natalia M. Semenyuk Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education



innovative parenting practices, digital educational environment, higher education, gamification, personalization of learning, virtual reality, social responsibility


The article discusses innovative educational practices applied in the digital educational environment of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research is due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their introduction into the educational process, which requires a revision of traditional approaches to the education of students. The purpose of the work is to identify and analyze effective innovative educational practices that contribute to the formation of students' necessary competencies and personal qualities in the context of digitalization of education. Research materials and methods include the study of scientific literature on the problem, the analysis of normative legal documents regulating educational activities in Russian universities, as well as empirical methods such as questionnaires and interviews of teachers and students of leading universities in the country. The study analyzed data obtained from a survey of 250 teachers and 1,500 students from 15 universities in various regions of Russia. The results of the study indicate that the most effective innovative educational practices in a digital educational environment are: the use of gamification and gaming technologies (used in 78% of the universities studied), the organization of online events and social projects (65%), the introduction of personalized educational trajectories taking into account the individual characteristics and interests of students (52%), as well as the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the educational process (35%). It is noted that these practices contribute to increasing students' motivation and engagement, developing their critical thinking, creativity, teamwork skills and social responsibility. The article provides specific examples of the successful implementation of these practices in leading universities of the Russian Federation, as well as discusses the prospects for their further development and dissemination in the higher education system.


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How to Cite

Семенюк НМ. Innovative educational practices in the digital educational environment of a university in the Russian Federation. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):153-61. Available from:




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