Pedagogical aspects of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies in the system of additional professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


  • Rustem R. Sadekov All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, training, police, education, legislation, internal Affairs, pedagogy, law, organization of professional training


In the article, the author examines the features of theoretical and practical training of law enforcement specialists in the system of departmental additional professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The specifics, content and structure, as well as positive trends in the field of additional professional education of the police of the internal affairs bodies are studied and revealed. The directions of reform and modernization are analyzed and the positive dynamics of improving the system of professional training of law enforcement specialists as a guarantee of increasing the level of security and law and order in the state is noted. Examples are given and a comparative characteristic of obtaining legal education by students in civilian educational institutions and departmental educational organizations of the law enforcement unit is carried out, the purpose of which is to train a competent police specialist capable of solving various operational and official tasks. The relevance is proved and the ways of forming public management decisions on the introduction of innovations into the system of additional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered. The research methodology in the presented work consists of sampling, collecting information and updated information on the state of affairs in the field of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies, innovative legal and scientific processes aimed at improving a set of measures in accordance with the direction of scientific work. The author uses qualitative research methods, as well as mixed research methods. The main conclusions of the author, proposed in the presented work, are related to the fact that high-quality professional training of personnel specialists in the system of additional professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia consists in ensuring the organization and implementation of timely, in full, in compliance with the requirements established by law, fair and effective (if minimum costs and high results) rules of selection, training, preparation, adaptation, placement, certification and evaluation, education, strengthening discipline, motivation of personnel, passing, promotion and promotion, accounting, auditing, release of personnel, etc.; optimization, simplification and ensuring openness of the process of staffing and personnel management, modernization and informatization of personnel management for the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The entire range of competencies required by an employee of the internal affairs bodies is formed directly during the training process and is then consolidated in practice directly when performing the duties assigned to the police.


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How to Cite

Садеков РР. Pedagogical aspects of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies in the system of additional professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(2-1):21-3. Available from:

