Principles for the formation of socio-cultural activity of adolescents in extracurricular activities in the context of state sovereignty


  • Galina V. Palatkina Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishcheva
  • Gulshat B. Akmurzieva Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishcheva
  • Kristina S. Grigorova Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishcheva



sovereignization, educational process, extracurricular activities of a teenager, pedagogical principles, pedagogical approaches, socio-cultural activity of a teenager


Modern teenagers face numerous challenges in the social and cultural sphere, which affects their social adaptation and personal development. Particular attention is paid to the role of this process as a key element of state sovereignty. The article combines theoretical foundations and practical aspects, providing reasoned recommendations for creating effective strategies for the development of sociocultural activity of adolescents in the context of modernizing the educational system. The article is aimed at identifying the main challenges and substantiating the urgent need to develop effective principles for solving them, aimed at building an effective process for the formation of socio-cultural activity of adolescents in the framework of extracurricular activities as a key aspect of the sovereignty of the state. The study concludes that solving the challenges faced by adolescents in the field of socio-cultural activity is an urgent task for the modern educational system as the basis for the country's sovereignty. Effective principles can not only contribute to the development of adolescents’ sociocultural competencies, but also ensure their sustainable participation in the cultural life of society. Analysis of the answers to the proposed questions provided information about the influence of the principles on the formation of socio-cultural activity of adolescents. Here are some aspects that were highlighted during the analysis process.


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How to Cite

Палаткина ГВ, Акмурзиева ГБ, Григорова КС. Principles for the formation of socio-cultural activity of adolescents in extracurricular activities in the context of state sovereignty. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(12-2):186-93. Available from:

