Methods of research and understanding of phraseological units in English by students


  • Khava A. Gazimaeva Chechen State University named after. A.A. Kadyrov
  • Malika Ya. Elzhurkaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University



phraseological units, teaching methods, foreign language, English


Currently, the issue of learning and understanding phraseological units of the English language by foreign students remains insufficiently studied. The purpose of this study was to study methods and approaches to mastering the phraseological fund of the English language by university students. The study involved 120 2nd-3rd year university students studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The study was carried out in two stages using quantitative and qualitative methods: at the first stage, a questionnaire survey was conducted to identify the most preferred methods of working with phraseological dictionaries; at the second stage, an experimental cross-section of students’ knowledge was conducted before and after working with methodological recommendations. The main approaches to teaching phraseology, proposed in the works of foreign linguists, include the use of thematic dictionaries, interactive exercises, and the project method. The central place in these methods is given to the formation of skills of recognition and active reproduction of phraseological units in various communicative situations. The results showed that the most effective methods are those that combine work with dictionaries, thematic texts and short-term memorized information. Thus, the study provides important recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of teaching phraseology by taking into account certain parameters of the organization of the educational process. This allows you to make the learning process more productive.


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How to Cite

Газимаева ХА, Эльжуркаева МЯ. Methods of research and understanding of phraseological units in English by students. УО [Internet]. 2023Dec.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(12-2):11-7. Available from:

