Methods for developing motor abilities during mini-football training for girls aged 15-17 years


  • Islam M.O. Janiev Ural state agrarian university
  • Niyaz M. Karimov Ural state agrarian university
  • Vladimir A. Obnosov Ural state agrarian university
  • Alexey S. Mishin Ural state agrarian university
  • Elizaveta R. Shakirova Ural state agrarian university



development of motor abilities, mini-football, boys, training methods, physical training, young athletes, Russia


Introduction: This study focuses on the development and implementation of effective methods for developing motor abilities in girls aged 15-17 years playing mini-football in Russia. Taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of this age category, special attention is paid to adapting training processes to the specific needs and capabilities of young athletes. Materials and methods: The study is based on the analysis of data obtained during training sessions with the participation of 120 girls involved in mini[1]football in three different sports schools in Moscow. A variety of techniques were used, including both classical approaches and innovative techniques aimed at improving coordination, speed, endurance and other key aspects of physical fitness. Results: The results of the study demonstrate a significant improvement in the physical fitness indicators of the experiment participants. For example, average speed on the standard 30-meter sprint test improved by 12%, and endurance, as measured by the Cooper test, showed a 15% increase after a 6-month training cycle. In the context of identifying the influence of specific training approaches on the development of motor abilities, special attention was paid to the analysis of the dynamics of improving technical skills in mini-football.


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How to Cite

Джолиев ИМО, Каримов НМ, Обносов ВА, Мишин АС, Шакирова ЕР. Methods for developing motor abilities during mini-football training for girls aged 15-17 years. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.17];13(11-1):76-83. Available from:




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