Integrated approach to the study of the opera "The Enchantress" in music schools: comparison of genre features with other operas for the development of critical thinking and analytical skills in students


  • Shao Mengqi Herzen University



integrated approach, Enchantress, genre features, critical thinking, analytical skills, musical education


Opera aesthetics occupies a firm place in the cultural context of humanity, serving as a reflection of the historical, socio-cultural and emotional tendencies of specific time intervals. P. I. Tchaikovsky with his opera "The Enchantress" has peremptorily established himself in the pantheon of opera creations. Immersion in this work, as in many others, requires a multifaceted, especially musical and educational approach. In the context of the conducted research, we aspired to a detailed analysis of the integrative method of studying the "Enchantress" in the academic musical structures of the Russian Federation. Our research effort is aimed at identifying the ways in which the genre characteristics of this opera correlate with other operatic works, and how this immersion can activate critical and analytical competencies in students. A critical examination revealed key aspects that intrigue both the opera "The Enchantress" itself and the methodology of its teaching in Russian music academies. We found a rich historical and cultural layer integrated into this work, and dynamic pedagogical strategies used for its translation. In our research, we exhibit key findings and try to deconstruct how an integrated approach to the study of the "Enchantress" can amplify the pedagogical process in Russian music institutes, stimulating the development of analytical readiness of future music professionals.


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How to Cite

Мэнци Ш. Integrated approach to the study of the opera "The Enchantress" in music schools: comparison of genre features with other operas for the development of critical thinking and analytical skills in students. УО [Internet]. 2023Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(9):241-8. Available from: