Forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle among students of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov


  • Razambek R. Pihaev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Gennady B. Kondrakov Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Irina D. Parakhina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Emir R. Tsitskiev Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle formation, physical recreation, performance improvement, rational nutrition, sleep hygiene, morning gymnastics


In this article, the issues of forming a healthy lifestyle among university students will be studied, in particular, by the example of students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The reasons for the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle will be revealed, as well as factors affecting the exclusion of healthy lifestyle habits from everyday routine. Moreover, this scientific article will consider the positive effects of following various components of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the possibility of physical recreation in improving the performance of university students. This article is devoted to the study of the process of forming a healthy lifestyle culture among students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. It examines the importance of a healthy lifestyle, its impact on the physical and mental well-being of students, as well as on their academic activity and success. The article analyzes various factors influencing the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture, such as physical activity, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits and the creation of a favorable environment in the learning environment. The results of the study will help to develop effective programs and activities aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle among students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.


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How to Cite

Пихаев РР, Кондраков ГБ, Парахина ИД, Цицкиев ЭР. Forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle among students of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.25 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(7):115-24. Available from:

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