Teaching cultural studies in the light of changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation


  • Artur К. Akhmadiev Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)
  • Elena A. Zeveleva Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)
  • Sergey V. Lepilin Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)
  • Natalia M. Tretyakova Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)




Russian Russian Constitution, cultural studies, Russian culture, environmental culture, digital society, mosaic culture, Munich Security Conference, Westernism, Russian cosmism, constitutional requirements, Przhevalsky expeditions, identity, cultural uniqueness


The article attempts to understand the amendments to the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted as a result of the popular vote from the point of view of their impact on the development of Russian culture. Specific constitutional provisions are analyzed, and it is concluded that the new constitutional requirements imply significant changes in the structure and content of teaching many humanities. At the same time, the article focuses on the new tasks that arise in the teaching of the discipline "Cultural Studies". But speaking about the cultural identity of Russian culture should not be limited to ethnic and ethnographic aspects. It is important to rise to the national level, to understand the all-Russian cultural traditions and peculiarities. Russian Russian Russian Russian culture is characterized by such features as cosmism (hence arose such a direction in Russian philosophy as Russian cosmism, characteristic of many Russian philosophers and scientists), sobornost and communality of Russian self-consciousness, mutual assistance, the desire to live by the truth, the search for truth, as well as the desire to be pioneers in everything.

Author Biographies

Artur К. Akhmadiev, Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)

engineer, teacher of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management

Elena A. Zeveleva, Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)

candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities

Sergey V. Lepilin, Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Humanities

Natalia M. Tretyakova, Russian State Geological Exploration University (MGRI)

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Humanities


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How to Cite

Ахмадиев А, Зевелева Е, Лепилин С, Третьякова Н. Teaching cultural studies in the light of changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. УО [Internet]. 2021May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):293-302. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/98