Psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the process of adaptation to the conditions of preschool


  • Olga A. Krainova Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova
  • Irina Zh. Shakhmalova Technical Institute (branch) of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova



preschool education, adaptation, preschool institution, adaptation process, psychological and pedagogical conditions, adaptation to kindergarten, interaction of specialists, interaction with parents of pupils


The article analyzes the problem of providing psychological and pedagogical conditions in the process of adapting a preschooler to preschool. The author analyzes different approaches to determining adaptation. The article describes the features of adaptation to a preschool institution for children of younger preschool age. Much attention is paid to the creation of various conditions that contribute to the rapid adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten. Among the conditions, the author singles out the organizational, developmental environment, the provision of regime moments, the use of various methods and technologies of training and education, as well as interaction with parents. The author singles out the cooperation of such specialists as a teacher-psychologist and an educator. The article notes the importance of creating a comfortable psychological climate in the group, and also highlights a number of requirements for the teacher, namely: knowledge of age characteristics, readiness to affectively support the adaptation process of preschoolers, the ability to create and maintain a children's team and interact with parents and other specialists in the direction of adaptation preschoolers. Within the framework of interaction with parents, innovative forms of interaction between the child's guardian and legal representative, as well as issues of pedagogical education of parents, are considered. If the described conditions are met, the adaptation of children of preschool age will be most effective.


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How to Cite

Крайнова ОА, Шахмалова ИЖ. Psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the process of adaptation to the conditions of preschool. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):239-45. Available from: