Modern computer and internet technologies in the process of teaching english to students Nonlinguistic specialties


  • Larisa Yu. Israilova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Malika Y. Elzhurkaeva Chechen State UniversityPedagogical University



computer technologies, Internet technologies, millennials, information society


The article is devoted to the study of computer and Internet technologies in teaching English to students of non-linguistic specialties. The authors note that, taking into account the fact that modern society is turning into an informational one, information technologies play an increasingly important role in its functioning. A special place in the article is given to Internet technologies. The educational space of the Internet undoubtedly has a number of advantages over traditional printed materials. The Internet provides access to more information, services and programs, which as a result comprehensively affect the effectiveness of the learning process. Modern computer and Internet technologies have become an integral part of education, including when studying English by students of non-linguistic specialties. The relevance of their use lies in the effective development of communication skills, writing, reading and listening in English. In this abstract, the analysis of modern computer and Internet technologies used in teaching English to students of non-linguistic specialties is carried out. Various approaches are considered, including the use of online resources, mobile applications, computer programs and interactive educational materials. The advantages and limitations of introducing these technologies into the educational process are also discussed. The study revealed positive results and recommendations for the effective use of computer and Internet technologies in teaching English to students of non-linguistic specialties.


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How to Cite

Исраилова ЛЮ, Эльжуркаева МЯ. Modern computer and internet technologies in the process of teaching english to students Nonlinguistic specialties. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):213-8. Available from:

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