The relevance of introducing the basics of cryptography and the basics of information security in the school course in computer science


  • Anna S. Zufarova Pacific State University
  • Yulia S. Buzykova MIREA-Russian Technological University
  • Anastasia D. Burykina Pacific State University



cryptography, computer science, encryption, encoding, Information Security


The relevance of this topic is due to the need for specialists in the field of information security. The introduction of the basics of cryptography into the school computer science course can significantly affect the choice of profession and the quality of specialists in the field of information security. This article analyzes the situation with the study of the basics of cryptography and the basics of information security in schools. The ways of solving this problem are suggested. This research paper substantiates the relevance of introducing the basics of cryptography into the school curriculum. The paper analyzes the goals of teaching cryptography, considers possible approaches and software support tools for the effective implementation of this subject in school education. The study is based on a comparative analysis of international experiences of implementing cryptography in school curricula. The results of the work will allow us to determine the best methods and approaches to teaching cryptography, choose suitable software support tools and form recommendations for educational institutions and teachers who want to introduce this topic into the school curriculum in order to develop information literacy and cybersecurity among students.


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How to Cite

Зуфарова АС, Бузыкова ЮС, Бурыкина АД. The relevance of introducing the basics of cryptography and the basics of information security in the school course in computer science. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(5):201-12. Available from: