Formation of modern professional stereotypes of teachers as a condition for the formation of a resilient rural school


  • Nadezhda A. Efremova-Shershukova Tomsk State Pedagogical University
  • Anna V. Pivovarova Tomsk State Pedagogical University
  • Elena E. Sartakova Tomsk State Pedagogical University



resilience, professional pedagogical activity, stereotypes, rural school


The article substantiates the concept of resilience, proves the thesis that the degree of school resilience is determined by the professional activities of the teacher, the generally accepted algorithms for the implementation of specific labor functions, formed in the teaching staff, including in the field of education quality management at the pedagogical level, interaction with other participants in educational relations and participants in relations in the field of education. An analysis of the results of a study of the level of formation of professional competence of teachers in rural schools is given, the purpose of which was to identify groups of professional stereotypes of pedagogical activity of teachers in rural schools in the Tomsk region. The connection between the scientific concepts of "resilience" and "Professional pedagogical stereotypes" is substantiated, the grounds for the systematics of stereotypes of rural school teachers are described.


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How to Cite

Ефремова-Шершукова НА, Пивоварова АВ, Сартакова ЕЕ. Formation of modern professional stereotypes of teachers as a condition for the formation of a resilient rural school. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(5):94-101. Available from: