Characteristics of the modern model of rural schools in the context of socio-cultural modernization of education


  • Evgenia P. Yeretnova Tomsk State Pedagogical University



rural school, modern model, ontological approach, spatial approach, socio-cultural approach, anthropological approaches, competence approach, system-activity approach.


The modern rural school is a unique phenomenon of the educational process. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the most significant phenomenon in the world community was the processes of networking, digitalization of socio-economic activities, which contributed to the innovative development of the social sphere, including rural schools. Modernization, which is necessary both for humanity as a whole, which inhabits the planet, and for the individual, who strives for a harmonious stay on this planet. The current state of society is characterized by its transition to a new, higher level of socio-cultural development. Therefore, the socio-cultural component is the main one in the process of modernization of everything-education, economy, business, and even more so – the country. It allows for the simultaneous renewal of various spheres of society most effectively and least painfully, since it takes into account the mechanisms of social change – the cultural coordinate system, the peculiarities of mentality, moral postulates, the self-consciousness of the nation, the historical memory of the people. Such an "integrated modernization" can ensure the country's security and competitiveness. This article presents the modern model of rural schools as a new look at the development of rural and rural educational organizations, provides a theoretical justification of the model, its approach and methods. The modern model significantly affects the development of the subjects of the educational process, whose promising activities ensure the development of rural areas.

Author Biography

Evgenia P. Yeretnova , Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Post-graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education


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How to Cite

Еретнова Е. Characteristics of the modern model of rural schools in the context of socio-cultural modernization of education. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):147-5. Available from: