Analysis of the main provisions of the modeling method for use in the process of developing a professionogram of a modern physical education teacher


  • Larisa A. Deminskaya Donetsk State University



professionogram, modeling, model, design, pedagogical paradigm, teacher, physical education


When developing a professionogram of a modern physical education teacher, it is necessary to use the modeling method, study the structure, tasks and content of the professional training model as a set of functional pedagogical projects. This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of the main provisions of the modeling method in order to apply it in the process of developing a professionogram for a modern physical education teacher. The paper discusses various approaches to modeling and describes the application of modeling in pedagogical practice. Further, the article highlights the features of the development of a professionogram and describes the main components of the model of a modern physical education teacher. In conclusion, the author summarizes and draws conclusions about the applicability of the modeling method when creating a professionogram for physical education teachers. The work is relevant and practically significant for specialists involved in the development of curricula and methods in the field of physical education and sports.


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How to Cite

Деминская ЛА. Analysis of the main provisions of the modeling method for use in the process of developing a professionogram of a modern physical education teacher. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):80-6. Available from: