Pedagogical potential of the multicultural environment of the university in the social adaptation of orphans


  • Ruslan A. Putilov Astrakhan State University namе of V.N. Tatishcheva



multicultural environment, social adaptation, orphans, university


The pedagogical potential of the multicultural environment of the university is an important aspect of the social adaptation of orphans. Modern society faces the problem of socialization of children who find themselves in difficult life situations. Orphans have special needs in education and upbringing, their social adaptation is one of the most important tasks of society. The multicultural environment of the university, which includes various nationalities, cultures and languages, provides unique opportunities for the social adaptation of orphans. The pedagogical potential of the multicultural environment of the university can significantly improve the process of social adaptation of orphans. The multicultural environment of the university allows orphans not only to gain new knowledge and skills, but also to interact with people of different cultures and nationalities, which helps them adapt to society. In this article we will consider the pedagogical potential of the multicultural environment of the university in the social adaptation of orphans. We will look at the problems that orphans may have in the process of social adaptation at the university, as well as techniques and programs that help solve these problems. We will also look at specific examples of programs and projects that are successfully implemented on the basis of universities in Russia, and draw a conclusion about the future of the field of social adaptation of orphans in the university environment.


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How to Cite

Путилов РА. Pedagogical potential of the multicultural environment of the university in the social adaptation of orphans. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(3):66-73. Available from: