Civil and patriotic education of modern teenagers


  • Anastasia P. Zemlyanskaya Orenburg State Pedagogical University



patriotic education, patriotism, military-patriotic education, teenagers, youth.


Modern aggression and world conflicts have caused a wave of patriotism that has stirred up more than one country. Currently, the expert community of a number of European countries and world centers is actively discussing new approaches to the issue of patriotic education in the context of the growing level of the terrorist threat and the uncontrolled migration wave in the world. A positive role in the patriotic and military-patriotic education of adolescents in many countries of the world has been played and continues to be played by the public education system of the Scout Movement (scouting, eng. Scouting is an international non-political youth movement that aims to support the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people and to increase their role in society. The beginning of the movement is considered to be 1907, and the founder is Lieutenant General of the British Army R. Baden-Powell (Eng. Robert Baden-Powell). The article considers the role and place of civil-patriotic education in the system of ensuring national security. The features of patriotic and military-patriotic education in the leading countries of the world are studied. The effectiveness of the organization and conduct of civil and patriotic education is analyzed, and proposals for improving the effectiveness of activities in this area are developed

Author Biography

Anastasia P. Zemlyanskaya, Orenburg State Pedagogical University

postgraduate student of the Institute of Childhood


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How to Cite

Землянская А. Civil and patriotic education of modern teenagers. УО [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(3):120-9. Available from: