Research on teaching numbers when teaching Chinese as a foreign language


  • Wang Lin Heilongjiang University; Heihe University
  • Huang Wenhua Heihe University
  • Chen Xiaolei Daejeon University; Heihe University



Chinese, counting word, learning, research


Currently, Chinese is available to more than one billion people. It is official in the People's Republic of China (PRC), and it is also spoken in Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries. He belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language group. The Chinese language has seven dialects, they can be distinguished by phonetics, which makes it difficult to understand between dialects, and there are also small differences in vocabulary and grammar. For communication of speakers of various dialects, the normative Chinese language is Putonghua, which in turn is a phonetic norm and a literary language. It is Putonghua that foreigners study, like Chinese, which they then use while working in a translation agency. In order to read a newspaper in Chinese, you need to know at least three thousand hieroglyphs. Hieroglyphs differ significantly from the writing systems of other languages. This is because they are one of the oldest writing systems on Earth. Hieroglyphs are more than four millennia old and that is why they are unique and are the only means of storing traditional features of the Chinese language. Despite the fact that the richness of the Chinese language lies in the number of its dialects, they prevent China from using one language that would be owned by all the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. Chinese is no different from any other foreign language. There are difficulties in understanding it, but there are also easy moments. Firstly, it is worth noting that it has no alphabet, there are no declensions and conjugations, each hieroglyph is a ready–made word, and sometimes a phrase. Due to the use of hieroglyphs in China, there are no punctuation marks at all. This grammar makes it easier to learn Chinese.


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How to Cite

Линь В, Вэньхуа Х, Сяолэй Ч. Research on teaching numbers when teaching Chinese as a foreign language. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(2):85-91. Available from: