Research of the mechanism of evaluation and improvement of pedagogical specialties based on result orientation


  • Wang Fujun Center for Higher Education Research and Teaching Quality Assessment of Heihe College, Heihe University



evaluation mechanism, improvement, pedagogical specialties, result


Nowadays, the problems of social work in society remain relevant. Among the multiple types of education, the professional, and especially the profession of a social worker, is essential. Important aspects of social work are the provision of State and public assistance and support to various groups of the population. One of the tasks of social work at the present stage of social development has become the professional training of specialists in the social sphere. This need began to be gradually realized through the professional training of social sphere specialists (social workers) in various types of educational institutions. The actualization of the problem of training specialists in the specialty "Social Work" is conditioned by the need to improve the health of the nation in connection with the deterioration of the health of many categories of the population, in particular students and students; in connection with new ideas about higher education in general, which require a transition from science to the formation of a culture of personality; and in connection with the development of the market of services, in particular including health, rehabilitation, social protection and insufficient level of training of specialists in the social sphere. The development of the countries of the last 20 years has prompted a new vision of the professional training of future specialists, directing it to the needs of the individual and the state. Deep socio-economic transformations of society, the development of the economy on a market basis, the emergence of the labor market and the growth of the educational services sector require qualitative changes in the conceptual foundations of vocational training, retraining and advanced training of physical education specialists.


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How to Cite

Фуцзюнь В. Research of the mechanism of evaluation and improvement of pedagogical specialties based on result orientation. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(2):78-84. Available from: