Linguistic features of the text and methods of working on the text in the lessons of native and foreign languages in a modern secondary school


  • Luiza R. Sardalova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Bariyat A. Khazueva Chechen State Pedagogical University



text, linguistics of the text, language training of students, the integrity of the text


The article is devoted to the linguistic features of the text and the methodology of working on the text in the lessons of native and foreign languages in a modern secondary school. The authors note that the main task of the school language course is to improve the language training of students, the formation of skills of productive and creative speech activity. The formation of speech skills, as well as other practical training tasks, require a solid theoretical base. It should be the most important information on the theory of text introduced into the school curriculum. The most elementary and main requirement of the text is a meaningful connection between sentences. Each text, covering some topic, contains a certain amount of factual data, certain information. The transmission of information is actually what the text is created for, because any statement is designed to perform certain communicative tasks. The most important of them are communication, communication, impact on the addressee to whom the speaker is addressing. Thus, the work on coherent speech and on the development of logical thinking is carried out gradually, throughout all the years of study. But at each stage, the unity of two directions should be ensured, requiring opposite logical operations-analysis and synthesis.


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How to Cite

Сардалова ЛР, Хазуева БА. Linguistic features of the text and methods of working on the text in the lessons of native and foreign languages in a modern secondary school. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):171-7. Available from:

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