Problems of piano education in modern China


  • Dee Van Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen A.I.



educational institutions, piano teaching, PRC, teaching methods


The piano is a popular musical instrument widely used in the field of music. Now more and more students are learning piano, which puts forward higher demands for the reform of piano education. In order to train more qualified piano professionals, we must actively offer piano courses and optimize piano teaching according to the development needs of students. However, in China, there is a certain lag in the traditional piano teaching model, which cannot make students fully experience the charm of the piano, and improve the theoretical and practical level of piano students, and the quality of piano education. In this work, we will focus on the problems that exist in piano education in China today and ways to solve these problems. The specific teaching method adopted in the piano teaching process at some colleges and universities, as well as in some small training courses, depends on the teaching style of the teacher and the level of personal assessment. Due to this problem, students do not have enough resources to choose the style of piano they are interested in, so they are not particularly immersed in the learning process and do not express a genuine interest in learning to play the piano.


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How to Cite

Ван Д. Problems of piano education in modern China. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):50-4. Available from: